15 Sep 2024
Meeting held at VFW Post 6111.
Meeting opened at 1205 with the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation.
Officers present: Rick Boland, Shelly, Troy, Doni, Nay Nay, and Byrrd Gutierrez. Laurie by phone.
Minutes accepted as read.
Treasurer’s report: Accepted as reported.
Membership: Numbers are down. Attempts to reach out to expired/soon to expire members are not working well. 65 members plus 13 expired. Discussion regarding possible
membership drive, setting up a table at a swap meet, car show.
Products: We need a new products officer. Shelly has completed the inventory of available products. Some products will be available after the meeting.
Security: We are secure.
Chapter rep: Open state officer positions/nominees were listed. After discussion concerning contested positions, the chapter agreed on our choices for state membership officer
and assistant coordinator. The next state meeting will be held 12 Oct at the American Legion Hall in Duncanville.
Mid-South Mile will be 25 – 27 Oct in Hot Springs, Ark.
Legislative: La has passed the Preserving Vehicle Choice Act. Things are looking good for the Right to Repair Act. Police profiling was discussed along with bad red left turn
lights. Lane filtering/splitting was discussed. We need to watch the Colorado experiment with lane filtering.
Old business: We need $1600 more to match last year’s bear purchase. 19 Oct is Plush & Rush open house. We get a 25% discount if we pick up the bears on that date. After
discussion a motion to move $300 from the general fund to the bears fund was passed by voice vote.
Lifetime memberships were discussed. We decided that we want to keep them and raise the price to $300. Gold and silver memberships would remain unchanged.
Discussion concerning the telephone call list and how to opt out, if you want to.
Sitting chapter officers were nominated to remain in their current positions.
Possible ride to the Plush and Rush open house discussed. Bearpup will post details.
Open floor: Some of our members were able to make it to the state party. The weather and the turnout were both good.
Meeting closed at 1305.
Minutes by Byrrd
Meeting held at VFW Post 6111.
Meeting opened at 1205 with the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation.
Officers present: Rick Boland, Shelly, Troy, Doni, Nay Nay, and Byrrd Gutierrez. Laurie by phone.
Minutes accepted as read.
Treasurer’s report: Accepted as reported.
Membership: Numbers are down. Attempts to reach out to expired/soon to expire members are not working well. 65 members plus 13 expired. Discussion regarding possible
membership drive, setting up a table at a swap meet, car show.
Products: We need a new products officer. Shelly has completed the inventory of available products. Some products will be available after the meeting.
Security: We are secure.
Chapter rep: Open state officer positions/nominees were listed. After discussion concerning contested positions, the chapter agreed on our choices for state membership officer
and assistant coordinator. The next state meeting will be held 12 Oct at the American Legion Hall in Duncanville.
Mid-South Mile will be 25 – 27 Oct in Hot Springs, Ark.
Legislative: La has passed the Preserving Vehicle Choice Act. Things are looking good for the Right to Repair Act. Police profiling was discussed along with bad red left turn
lights. Lane filtering/splitting was discussed. We need to watch the Colorado experiment with lane filtering.
Old business: We need $1600 more to match last year’s bear purchase. 19 Oct is Plush & Rush open house. We get a 25% discount if we pick up the bears on that date. After
discussion a motion to move $300 from the general fund to the bears fund was passed by voice vote.
Lifetime memberships were discussed. We decided that we want to keep them and raise the price to $300. Gold and silver memberships would remain unchanged.
Discussion concerning the telephone call list and how to opt out, if you want to.
Sitting chapter officers were nominated to remain in their current positions.
Possible ride to the Plush and Rush open house discussed. Bearpup will post details.
Open floor: Some of our members were able to make it to the state party. The weather and the turnout were both good.
Meeting closed at 1305.
Minutes by Byrrd